We have compiled some of our most frequently asked questions below. If you require further information about the equestrian products we supply or any of our fitting services, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our friendly and helpful team.
We recommend using our contact form to book a fitting appointment. You can visit our purpose-built facilities, or we can come to you!
We provide a wide range of saddles including general purpose, calf skin, jumping, dressage and pony saddles from leading brands such as Amerigo and Ideal. We also offer a range of second-hand saddles to our customers, all paired with our expert fitting service.
Yes, we sell a variety of saddle accessories including stirrup leathers and cleaning products.
Yes, Cheffings Equine is both a retail member of the Society of Master Saddlers and a member of the British Equestrian Trade Association.
Both our saddler fitters have all or some of the following qualifications:
Find out more here
Yes, we provide saddle fitting at Downe Farm’s indoor facilities. The facilities include flood lights, a full set of show jumps as well as a saddlery shop.
We can travel across Devon, East Cornwall and West Somerset, to provide mobile fitting services. We will bring a range of saddles for your horse to try in the comfort of their own environment.
Give us a call today to find out more about our equestrian products and services.
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